“The Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands is committed to connecting those touched by Down syndrome through education, advocacy and support”

Picking a charity partner for 2025 proved to be a lot of heart strings being pulled on, a lot of talk, and at the end just wanting to support our community it a way we had not prior. When we read the application from Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands, we saw an opportunity to support giving kids the ability to play alongside their peers, to learn a skill that we take for granted, and also support families having bike rides together and creating memories. Seemed like a trifecta of perfection right?!
Leah, Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands Executive Director, was able to introduce the organization through her perspective of being a mom to her son Clay- a red headed funny, smart, free hugs boy.
Leah spoke about what DSA meant to her, but also the support and family the community becomes for others. We loved when she says DSA moms are “ride-or-die” and will show up to support each other from coffee to a new mom in the NICU, tattoos, fundraisers, and community advocacy. So like Mom Prom, these women also now how to show up and have fun for a great reason!
When asked what Omaha Mom Prom would be supporting, Leah told us about the big things that happen in the summer for DSA. DSA camps in the summer started as a place to send kids when more traditional camps didn’t have the support or best ratios for these awesome kids. So how can they help? DSA throws skill camps in the summer ranging from swimming, biking, and DSA Kids Camp. These camps provide weeklong camps with volunteers to help kids learn skills with the support needed. But even cooler? This allows kids to be able to bike along with their family and friends while making memories! Life long memory making skills!
So ladies let’s get ready to dance and raise money for Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands!
The Steppe Center
March 22nd, 2024 7-11 pm
Bars: All drinks $5, cash and card accepted
Raffles in person, Silent Auction online
Stay tuned to email information on ticket sales!
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